
Skydive Langar aims to create an inclusive environment in which everyone feels safe and respected. Our Safeguarding Adults Policy and Safeguarding Children Policy apply to all those that participate in activities (skydiving related or not) here at Skydive Langar. Please read these policies alongside our Code of Conduct.

Our Safeguarding Lead is Kayleigh Garbett. If you wish to talk about something that has happened or that you have witnessed, please speak to her, or you can email your concerns to

If you wish to stay anonymous, here is a link to report a concern: 

Please note, any concerns submitted anonymously will still be considered seriously however, if the concern involves someone under the age of eighteen or a crime, it is your responsibility to leave your details so as not to hinder any further investigation.

We want to make Skydive Langar the best DZ in the world! If you have any ideas on how we can improve or if you’ve got any thoughts on what we’re doing, get in touch!