We have lots of awesome events coming up throughout the year here at Skydive Langar. The best way to access the most up to date list of these is via our Facebook page but, as we know Facebook can be tricky to navigate at times, this page has been created to help. We always keep Facebook up to date, but may not always keep this page the same way, so please use Facebook where possible.
- 1-2: Beginner Angle Weekend - "Bangle XS"
- 15-16: Progression Weekend
- 15: TR Coaching at Progression Weekend with Paul
- 15-16: Beginner Bigway FS with Ross
- 16: Small Group TR with Paul
- 15: B Licence Evening
- 21: Skydive Langar Canopy Course
- 22: Safety Day
- 23: FS LO with Paul Willcock
- 29-30: CF Load Organising
- 5-6: Progression Weekend
- 5-6: Walk Up FS LO with Ian Tommins
- 11: B Licence Evening
- 12-13: 10 Way FS Competition
- 19-20: Walk Up FS LO with Laura
- 19-20: FS LO with Paul Willcock
- 25: Skydive Langar Canopy Course
- 26-27: Fun JumpS: Intermediate FS
- 1-5: Boogie One
- 2-4: Vertex Skills Camp
- 3-5: Walk Up FS LO
- 9: B Licence Evening
- 10-11: Progression Weekend
- 17-18: CF Grand Prix
- 23: Skydive Langar Canopy Course
- 24-25: Beginner Angle Weekend
- 13: B Licence Evening
- 14-15: Progression Weekend
- 14-15: FS Block Party with Tom Dent
- 16-19: Multiplane SOS Record
- 17-22: Vertex Skills Camp
- 21-22: FS LO with Paul Willcock
- 27: Skydive Langar Canopy Course
- 28-29: Fun JumpS: Intermediate FS
- 5-9: Midsummer Boogie
- 11: B Licence Evening
- 12-13: Progression Weekend
- 12-13: Wingsuit Load Organising
- 15-20: Vertex Skills Camp
- 19-20: FS LO with Paul Willcock
- 1: Skydive Langar Canopy Course
- 2-3: Beginner Angle Weekend
- 2-3: FS LO with Paul Willcock
- 8: B Licence Evening
- 9-10: Progression Weekend
- 22-24: Vertex Skills Camp
- 29-31: Vertex Skills Camp
- 29-30: Rookie Rumble
- 30-7 Sep: Boogie Two
- 1: Fun JumpS: Intermediate FS
- 7: Walk Up FS LO
- 12: B Licence Evening
- 13-14: Progression Weekend
- 20-22: CF/VFS National Championships
- 27-28: Beginner Angle Weekend
- 11: B Licence Evening
- 11-12: Progression Weekend
- 25-26: Halloween 6 Way FS Competition
- 307: British Skydiving Instructor Course
- 8: B Licence Evening
- 8-9: Progression Weekend
- 10-14: British Skydiving Instructor Course
- 13: B Licence Evening
- 13-14: Progression Weekend
- 20-21: Christmas Jumpers: Intermediate FS
Walk Up vs Invitational vs Registration
Typically, events at Langar fall into three categories:
- Walk up; this means you arrive on the day and join in
- Invitational; this means you have to be invited to join - the best way to get an invite is to show your skills on walk up events
- Registration; this means you have to register in advance to participate
You will need to hold the relevant qualifications to participate. For example, a bigway FS group would require FS1+ or the equivalent, a tracking event would require at least TR1, and so on. If you're unsure, please ask.
Organising events at Langar
Our events calendar is looking pretty full right now, which is awesome. If you'd like to organise an event at Langar, we'd love to hear from you; please contact to make your proposal.