Lockdown regulations may have kept us at home for a while, but that didn’t stop us bringing together a few hundred of our skydiving friends for an all day (and all night!) online Boogie – the Zoogie!
Check out all the videos from the day, plus some extra resources, here:
Ally Milne: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basics of Tracking
Ally has been skydiving and instructing at Langar for over a decade and in his time, has competed in FS 4 way, been part of formation skydiving records, won medals in FF events and much, much more!
In this session, he told us all about the basics of tracking and the tracking progression system. Perfect for skydivers at any experience level.

British Skydiving: AGM
The Annual General Meeting of British Skydiving is your opportunity to find out about what’s been happening in our organisation this past year, what British Skydiving has achieved, updates on stats, committee updates and more.
The British Skydiving AGM is now complete. Please visit the British Skydiving Facebook page if you have any questions.
Pumas 4 Way Skydiving Team: From FS1 to AAA in Just Three Years
The Pumas are one of Langar’s sponsored 4 way formation skydiving teams and we’re very proud to support the team through their competitive journey.
The Pumas hosted a great session on 4 way progression, including the Pumas’ own journey, understanding randoms and blocks, and camera flying. Thank you to Matt, Jodie-Leigh, Paul, Derek and Paul for an excellent seminar.
You can access the slides from this session here.

Richard Wheatley: A Safe Start to 2021
Our Chief Instructor Rich shared his tips and practical advice to ensure a safe return to skydiving once lockdown is over.
While many of us have experienced ‘not being current’ plenty of times before (thanks British weather…), the past 12 months have challenged us with more time off than ever before. Rich talked about potential issues to consider and how best to overcome them so we can all get back in the sky and having fun as soon as the situation allows!
Here are all the links Rich mentioned during his talk:
Check lists: https://www.nzpia.co.nz/Information-for-Skydivers-Safety-Check-List
Online Equipment tutorials – Colin: https://youtu.be/JzyMH2j2r1E
Dan BC, Stay Safe: https://youtu.be/AWWiBFBnOpI
Skydive Langar Safety Day 2019 – Malfunctions: https://youtu.be/6DB8q53T9ew

Brian Cumming: Bigway Progression
Brian has hosted bigway skydiving events around the world and been part of an array of national and world records.
In this session, Brian shared his advice to help you in your bigway career, from building up experience to getting invited to events to making your mark on the day.
You can check out Brian’s podcast Radio Skydive UK over on your podcast platform of choice, and on his website at https://www.briancumming.com/. You can also take a look at the Mag article he mentioned here.

Josh Carratt: Jump Flying and the Ride to Altitude
In this session, our very own jump pilot and skydive instructor Josh shared his experiences as a jump pilot, filled with insights you just don’t get when you only spend your time facing the tail!
Plus a lovely shout out to all of you new A license jumpers – well done team!

Sam Haste: CF Beards and Real Ale
Do you still think of Canopy Formation as the hobby of strange people who often have beards and drink real ale?
Well, the world thought the same about sea shanties until last week!
In his session, Sam helped us to discover the newest old school cool in skydiving. Frap hats optional. (Un-ironically presented by a strange person who has a beard and will be drinking real ale).

Future events
We hope you enjoyed the first (and hopefully only!) virtual Boogie!
We host loads of events through the year and in 2021, we have 3 Boogies and a whole raft of FS, FF, CReW and more! Find out more about our upcoming events over on our Facebook page. There’s something planned for most weekends so we look forward to seeing you.
We also have coaches available most of the time; just stop by, come to Manifest and we’ll find someone for you. You can also post on our Facebook group to let us know you’re coming and make sure there’s someone around.
Getting back to skydiving
While the Zoogie was an awesome event to bring us all together virtually, it’s going to be even better when we can be together in person. Remember, we now sell skydiving gift vouchers if you’d like to bring your friends and family along to give it a go!
We also have plenty of reserve packers on the drop zone; get in touch if you’re looking for a reserve repack ahead of jumping starting up again.
See you soon!